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massSight is an R package for the alignment and scaling of LC-MS metabolomics data.


Examples and extensive documentation can be found here



Data Preparation

massSight works with the output of LC-MS experiments, which should contain columns corresponding to:

  1. Compound ID
  2. Retention Time
  3. Mass to Charge Ratio
  4. (Optional) Average Intensity across all samples
  5. (Optional) Metabolite Name
Compound_ID MZ RT Intensity Metabolite
CMP-2758 197.0665 3.401200 74498.87 1,7-dimethyluric acid
CMP-4802 282.1189 8.627617 25684.75 1-methyladenosine
CMP-3329 166.0720 6.069083 28585.37 1-methylguanine
CMP-3294 298.1139 5.913067 61491.94 1-methylguanosine
CMP-5077 137.0707 9.114433 112107.07 1-methylnicotinamide
CMP-1830 347.2210 2.017650 1291.29 21-deoxycortisol

The massSight Object

massSight creates and uses the MSObject class to store data and results pertaining to individual LC-MS experiments. Prior to alignment, LC-MS data frames or tibbles should be converted into an MSObject using create_ms_obj:

ms1 <-
    df = hp1,
    name = "hp1",
    id_name = "Compound_ID",
    rt_name = "RT",
    mz_name = "MZ",
    int_name = "Intensity"

ms2 <-
    df = hp2,
    name = "hp2",
    id_name = "Compound_ID",
    rt_name = "RT",
    mz_name = "MZ",
    int_name = "Intensity"

An MSObject provides the following functions:

  • raw_df() to access the experiment’s raw LC-MS data
  • isolated() to access the experiment’s isolated metabolites, which is important for downstream alignment tasks
  • scaled_df() to access the experiment’s scaled LC-MS data
  • consolidated() to access the experiment’s consolidated data
  • metadata() to access the experiment’s metadata
ms2 |>
  raw_df() |>
  head() |>
  kableExtra::kbl(format = "simple")
Compound_ID RT MZ Intensity
1.68_121.1013m/z 1.68 121.1013 50543.745
3.53_197.0667m/z 3.53 197.0667 21948.556
7.81_282.1190m/z 7.81 282.1190 14220.869
5.29_166.0721m/z 5.29 166.0721 46434.807
5.16_298.1139m/z 5.16 298.1139 60616.582
9.77_126.1026m/z 9.77 126.1026 4435.973


Alignment is performed using auto_combine()

aligned <- auto_combine(ms1 = ms1, 
                      ms2 = ms2, 
                      iso_method = "dbscan")

More information on the auto_combine() function can be found in the package documentation

Plotting results from alignment



If you use our package, please cite us via our Zenodo upload

Additional citation formats can be found via the Zenodo link.

Dev Instructions


  1. Clone/pull massSight
  2. Open the R project massSight.Rproj
  3. Build package using devtools::build()
  4. Install package using devtools::install()